Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Group Dynamics (Are we having fun yet?)

There are 4 basic stages a Video Creations team will progress through.

They are:

1. Formin'

Meet-each-other stage, start getting to know each other. Not everyone acts like themselves, a lot of "nicey-nice" on the surface, but maybe some selfish or self conscious thinking on the inside. Think of the TV show The Bachelor. (-I'm not recommending the show by the way.)

2. Stormin'

Groups really get to know each other. Competition and acting out occur. Group members fight for their own ideas. Some group members try to convince others how much they know and overly defend their ideas. Other members will sometimes completely distract the group from the task at hand. Cooperation, leadership, and how decisions are made are real problems in this stage. Think of the TV show Survivor or The Apprentice.

3. Normin'

The group becomes more motivated and excited about the project. The group starts trusting and agreeing on things. Work actually gets done peacefully. Sometimes, the group agrees too quickly or too automatically in this stage. Some members will sacrifice their creative idea in order to preserve harmony even if the stormin' stage has already passed. This sometimes results in losing a creative solution or better idea. Think of the TV show Deal or No-Deal or The Amazing Race. This stage actually requires a lot of supervision. How come?

4. Performin'

The group functions as a strong unit. Even conflicting ideas are considered in an organized manner. Decisions are agreed on and everyone supports the decision when it is made. The group can get things done with a minumum of conflict and requires little supervision. Think of the TV show The Unit. (-Maybe. I haven't really watched the show that much.)

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